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Special Gifts

by on September 16, 2012

I wrote this all most 3 weeks ago.  Sorry it has taken me so long to post….it’s been a busy few weeks and I’m still learning how to do this blogging thing! 🙂

Thursday August 30th, 2012

This last week, God has given the Haechton family a sweet gift…

For those of you who know me well (and probably even if you don’t know me that well)… you know my biggest faith walk in coming to Thailand has been around my boys.  God has really shown me so much of Himself through each step of faith I’ve had to take.   I am continuing to have to step out and TRUST Him even when it hasn’t been easy.  But He is Faithful.  One day at a time.  He gives me enough for each day.

Honestly our transition with the boys has been a bit rough these last couple of weeks.  We are all in major life transition and it comes out in interesting ways when you are 6, 4, and 2.  We pray for wisdom daily.  We really are doing well, but the boys are not quite themselves yet.

While we were in Singapore we had an incredible team of Kid Zone helpers.  They were REALLY an amazing group of people from all over the world.  Two of those wonderful people are Claire and Naomi.  Our family particularly bonded with these fabulous girls from Scotland.  Claire and Naomi had been helping a couple of families up in North Thailand with homeschooling this last month.  The girls had 5 days that were “free” before they had to head back home.  Instead of using their time to explore more of Thailand, they listened to the Lord and decided to bless us instead.  🙂  So God allowed all the pieces to come together so that we could enjoy a wonderful reunion!  And a wonderful reunion it was!!

The other morning Micah wasn’t feeling well.  I called the girls to see if they could come over and stay with Micah and Enoch while Jared and I were at class.  They said “of course, that’s why we are here!”   As I rode off to school on my bike, it was the first time in a month that Micah and Enoch were HAPPY to see me go.  No crying, no clinging—just happy waves.  They were so excited to be with their friends!  I got teary on the way to school at what an incredible gift it was to have the girls come to LOVE on the boys for a few days.  We’ve all needed it…but for the boys to have somebody come to play especially with THEM was truly what God knew the Haechton family needed.

The boys have had a ball going to the zoo, playing Uno, Phase 10, Go Fish, driving little cars around our house, building forts, having parties, being bounced around, laughing and enjoying being with two gifts from God that enjoy playing with them.

We had to say goodbye to the girls today.  It’s hard to see them go, but we are so thankful for the precious gift of friendship and reunions!

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  1. Tricia permalink

    What a blessing — to the boys, to you, and by extension to us! Love to all!!! ~Tricia

  2. Sending extra love to the boys and praying for you all daily. MISS and LOVE you! ~Ga Ga

  3. If I could, I would come love on you all! The boys are looking so grown up!

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