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After One Year…

by on July 7, 2013

A year ago yesterday we said our final goodbyes stateside and the five of us climbed aboard the airplane with LOTS of questions of what this year would hold for us!  So this is a little compilation of some of the things we’ve learned since we left a year ago…

*God is faithful!  He has taken such good care of us.  He gives us the strength we need for each day…one day at a time.

*frequent showers are very important…

*so is insect repellent or a handy racket that will zap any unwanted blood suckers

*shower curtain?  What’s a shower curtain?

*I now make (from scratch) granola, yogurt, spaghetti sauce (with fresh tomatoes), tortillas, BBQ sauce, salad dressing, bread, pizza, cake, brownies, and salsa.

*for all 5 of us, using a squatty-potty is just as normal as using a western one (although the open door policy is not as frequently used)

*getting shocked by 220 volts HURTS especially when standing in a puddle of water

*good neighbors are a gift

*good-byes are never easy

*the live, daily version of Frogger causes a lot of prayer and heart palpitations

*a perk to being a Christian is that it’s not a sin to kill the mosquito on your arm or the cockroach in your kitchen

*we have many friends…like our “chicken lady”, “my egg lady”, “my fruit lady”, “your fruit lady”, “our ice lady”, and “our water people”.

*charades is vital to good communication, which makes talking on the phone very difficult!

*”Pray without ceasing” has a whole new meaning

* safety precautions are in the eye of the beholder

We’ve survived and are thankful to be where God wants us! Thank you all for all your love and support!  This next year is another year full of unknowns and “faith walks”!! We are so thankful to know that He is walking each step with us.   Thank you for being a part of our journey!



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  1. The Denhams permalink

    Great hearing from your guys and seeing your happy faces in the photos. Our Lord is great all the time and He has guided us all through our ups and downs throughout last year. Praying for you all. The Denhams.

  2. Carol Cruzen permalink

    So exciting to read of God’s faithfulness and your continued trust and obedience. We’re so proud of you!

    Sent from my iPhone

  3. I really had to laugh as you described the last 15 years of my life! I love you guys and wish you were closer so we could share all those fun things the OLD days!! xxx

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